About me

I was born in Siena, Tuscany – Italy, and I graduated in philosophy with anthropological address at the University of Florence. I worked in Mexico as an anthropologist for 4 years with the Southern Mayan Indians and the Northern Tarahumara.

Shanti Udgiti (The Song of Peace) is the name Osho gave me when I became his disciple in 1984. Back then, the Commune of the Master was in Oregon – America. Later, I moved with him and his commune to Pune – India, where I lived for many years. I received many gifts: meditating in his presence, participating in the life of the commune, breathing all the beauty of a country that I deeply love. 

Now, I live in Italy where I share my research with meditation groups, Reiki and Mandala Painting. 

For years painting Mandala is my passion: Mandala is a friend who waits for me every time I come home, is a friend who is there to help me reconnect, to relax, to center. When I paint I stick to the ancient Tibetan technique and let everything happen by itself, without my intervention. In fact, if I want something extraordinary to happen, it creates tension in me, then I relax, I let go of expectations and I wonder what I really want here and now and the answer is always the same: I want to be with me, in contact, in silence in the creativity’s space, in the joy for the shapes that appear by themselves, in the wonder of color. 

I move from the fear that the white sheet inspires me, to the beauty of Mandalas that manifest themselves; experimenting new techniques, I mix ecolines (bright liquid watercolors) with watercolors, tempera, gel pens; I use spray and sponge that drop waterdrops merging the colors in an alchemic way, I use compass, ruler and set square that creates pure graphic shapes instead. 

I learn by teaching in classes and groups. Each individual is an inexhaustible source of creativity and uniqueness, just a little bit of trust, a little bit of play to let go of that tight coat that represents everything we believe to be and… discover that we are capable..